1. Family Trips; Family Memories

    (to be added to forever...)

    My first memory of a family trip was a midnight Christmas holiday ride through the Appalachian mountains and long tunnels to a definitely haunted house in Kentucky. My guess is that this was in 1956 or 1958. Of course we also made long trips bundled in the back of a station wagon to Maine,


    Then there was that great trip to the Osaka World Fair...the whole family....I still remember watching David (age 3) pick up a pair of chop sticks and learn to use them in under 3 seconds. This was in 1966 (?).

    Who can forget our trip down the Salmon River. The orientation was classic. We all knew the River was running high and fast, so as new comers we were all a bit scared...though we didn't want to show it. The trip leader was giving a lecture about safety and procedure. Stan asks, "What if that doesn't work?" Tour guide responds, "You go with the flow." Stan pauses, then retorts, "What if that doesn't work?" In a nanosecond the tour guide responds, "You wing it." And we did...most of us have been winging it ever since....!!! Thanks, Stan.
    And then there was Israel...

    What a tribute to real family values...

    Grandpa, Dad, Stan... You are our 'Fearless leader, ; who got us all the way to the Holy Land...

    We are all forever changed by the experience...

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